Table of Contents


This post reviews existing League of Legends AI systems from different games which have been released by Riot Games themselves, to bots and scripts which have been ever present since the initial release of the game and finally to recent academic approaches which have used cutting-edge AI techniques to create AI systems which can play League of Legends.

Existing Solutions

League of Legends: Wild Rift inbuilt AI

The League of Legends mobile spin-off game, Wild Rift, is a game developed in Unity and released as a game on the iOS App Store and Google Play Store. Reverse engineering the game using Il2CppInspector, which converts the Unity source code of the game into an intermediate representation along with the original meta-data, allows the function labels, data types and parameters to be recovered.

From this, we can determine how the app is made and even inject code using the metadata which associates function labels with their addresses in the final game binaries (at least for Android). The benefits of this for creating a human level League of Legends AI is that it may be possible to reverse engineer how the AI, which is included with the game, works and even setup a reinforcement learning environment using the mobile game.

This may be possible as the practice tool mode of the mobile game is still functional even when the player is disconnected from the internet. Also the source code is relatively easy to reverse engineer compared to the main desktop game.

Example source code for the replay system of Wild Rift. Could potentially be used to extract information from Wild Rift replays in a future project.

League of Legends: Beginner and Intermediate bot

League of Legends contains two main “co-op vs AI” game modes which stands for co-operative vs AI which pins 5 players against a team of five AI controlled players which the game server implements (this may be implemented using Lua based on reviewing the games files).

For the purpose of creating a human level League of Legends AI, the built-in bots are only useful as a way of testing that any AI agent which has been trained can at least beat the built-in bots, as this is considered a trivial task for any player which is at least within the top 50% of the playerbase (which would be Silver I or above).


LeagueAI is a project created by a PhD student from Aalto University in Finland. The project uses YOLOv3 to perform object detection from the games RGB output in real time by generating a synthetic dataset of game objects of interest including the following:

  • Vayne (a champion within the game)
  • Minions (important NPC characters within the game)
  • etc. and then training the system on the synthetic data.

The agent then uses the real-time object recognition model to determine which game objects are within it’s view, where they are and uses a simple neural network to determine which actions to perform.

Deep Learning Bot for League of Legends

This paper describes another agent which, like the LeagueAI system, uses YOLOv3 for object recognition to identity the type and location of different game objects within the current RGB viewport of the game. However the paper is the first attempt at using machine learning methods to improve the decision making of the agent.

The paper describes two main ways of training the agent. The first method uses an LSTM model to clone the behaviour of human players whereas the second method uses a combination of PPO for training and an LSTM network for the policy network (PPO-LSTM). Both methods could achieve the set objective which was to achieve first blood against an in-built bot. However for the PPO+LSTM network, an additional reward of keeping a certain distance away from enemy objects was also included to enable the agent to learn the kiting mechanic (attacking an enemy unit and immediately retreating to make retaliation more difficult). The resulting behaviour of the PPO-LSTM network was superior to the purely behavioural cloning approach as the PPO-LSTM agent’s behaviour was smoother than the purely LSTM network. Also the LSTM-only network exhibited strange patterns such as randomly clicking back and forth in the presence of enemies as the agent had not sufficiently mastered kiting from the human demonstrations.

Bots and Scripts

Since League of Legends was released in 2009, people have developed bots which are programs which use hand-crafted rules to play the game. The purpose of these bots are usually to level up League of Legends accounts from level 1 to level 30 (to allow a player to play in League of Legends Ranked Solo/Duo mode which is the competitive ranked mode of the game). Another use of these bots is for scripting which automatically performs mechanical actions for the player based on handcrafted rules. These bots typically use open or closed source scripting platforms.

One example of an open-source scripting platform is LViewLoL which is an open-source scripting platform which provides an interface to a running League of Legends game process running on Windows. The interface runs as a compiled C++ console application which runs while the game process is running and provides an interface for Python scripts to receive observations from the game and perform actions as the user within the game.

The scripting interface allows a python script access to observations which the user is not able to see on the screen such as the positions of all game objects on the map.

The C++ console application uses a system call called ReadProcessMemory() which allows a non-priviliged process to access the virtual memory space of another running program to read it’s memory. The system call relies on multiple context switches, i.e. it needs to switch from user space to kernel space back to user space to transfer the memory from the target processes memory space to the requesting process.

Issues with Existing Solutions

The main issue with the existing solutions for creating a human level league of legends agent are both perceptual and behavioural with both issues outlined below:


The LeagueAI system solves the perceptual issue by using a mixture of synthetic and real image data from within the game to generate a dataset to train YOLOv3, which is a real-time object recognition system, to locate game objects from the RGB output of the game. Real-time object recognition has been used for perception in game playing AIs across different approaches such as AlphaStar, the original DQN paper and other game playing AIs.

The purpose of using image recognition techniques in these systems was to prove that it was possible to use image recognition, specifically CNN-based image recognition systems as the perceptual system within a larger game playing AI for reinforcement learning systems which allows the systems to be fully trained end-to-end.

However, there is a major downside to this in that this isn’t as effective as using raw features from the game for perception as the system must learn to how to recognise objects within the game, and then based on it’s representation of the game, which decisions to make. This adds additional complexity to the task which is unnecessary if the goal is purely to make a system which can play the game as well as possible. It also increases the compute cost of the system. This is the main reason that Open AI Five uses raw features instead of image recognition for perception and is the same reason this project will not use it as well.


Aside from the Deep Learning Bot for League of Legends, all of the existing systems use rule based behaviour to their respective bots. As for the Deep Learning Bot paper, the best performing method within the paper uses a combination of PPO (Proximal Policy Optimization) and an LSTM network for the policy model to control the bot and the bot is able to achieve a first blood on an enemy opponent while keeping it’s distance. This represents the first successful example of reinforcement learning applied to League of Legends. However, this method is limited as the number of samples of the environment which can be collected using this method is limited by two main factors:

  1. Number of Simulations of the environment

    Currently, Riot Games (the developers of League of Legends) provide no API for scripts or bots (unlike the Dota Bot Scripting API from Valve or PySC2 module released by Deepmind in conjunction with Blizzard). This means that not only is it not easy to quickly start games at the velocity requried to get PPO to work, it’s also not easy to access raw observational information from the game or input actions into the game without the risk of the associated League of Legends account being banned for scripting. This is a problem for this project if we want to train our system using reinforcement learning because current reinforcement learning algorithsm (particularly online reinforcement algorithms) are relatively sample inefficient and require a lot of experience before they start converging towards human-level performance. AlphaStar], Open AI Five and other systems are good evidence for this.

  2. Current Observation Methods

    Current observation (i.e. perception) methods used for League of Legends AI’s rely on using real-time object recognition models such as YOLOv3 to detect relevant game objects. The limitation of this method for creating a human level League of Legends AI is that, firstly the method is limited based on the performance of the object recognition systems accuracy (how reliably it detects game objects) and secondly it is limited based on the fps (how quickly it can detect objects) of the system. This limits it’s applicability as a powerful GPU would be required to run the object recognition system in real time and and to simulatenously run the agent model.


In summary, the primary issue is the lack of API support for creating an machine learning agent from Riot Games. Specifically, there is no API for conveniently capturing observations from the game engine, inputting actions into the game and running many games at large scale with low friction. This is a problem because the main method used to achieve human-level performance in RTS-style games is reinforcement learning. However we will see later in the series that it is possible to use other AI training methods to reduce the amount of data required to train a human-level League of Legends AI.


Game Playing AI’s

League of Legends AI Research Projects

League of Legends Hacking and Scripting

Real-Time Object Recognition