Table of Contents


This post begins the exploration of mechanistic interpretability for large language models. We start off by attempting to understand the attention mechanism from a model from the TinyStories paper. For this blog post, we will be using the roneneldan/TinyStories-Instuct-1Layer-21M model which can be found on HuggingFace.

For context, the goal of the paper was to determine if creating very small Transformer Decoder models which are capable of producing coherent speech and following instructions was possible. It turns out that even models with as little as 1 million parameters show basic emergent capabilites such as fluent language generation and instruction following which we see in larger LLMs. Furthermore, even models with a single Transformer block layer are capable of producing coherent speech. This is exciting from an interpretability perspective as it means that the attention heads within a single Transformer Block and it’s accompanying MLP layer are directly responsible for interpreting the current prompt context, and then predicting the next token all together.


The main custom tool which will be used in this blog post is the TransformerLens repo from Neel Nanda which allows us to hook and intervene in the activations of Transformer models during inference. This conveniently allows to then analyse the runtime activations of things like the attention matrix per head for an input prompt and the MLP activations. Being able to dynamically analyse the runtime values for the model allows us to determine how the model is representing and processing information. This is analogous to performing dynamic analysis in reverse engineering where we are able to determine how a program is processing inputs. However, it is even more useful in the case of neural networks as neural network parameters are not set in the same way as programmers explicitly engineer programs, instead they are discovered during backpropagation.

Experiment Plan

Analysing any language model during inference is a very open ended task as there are many different aspects of the model you can analyse and the prompt you provide it can also drastically change the runtime values. With this is mind, it is helpful to explicitly set what the prompts are going to be and choose which aspects of the model to analyse ahead of time.

Attention Analysis

For per attention head visualisation, I will be using the following prompt: “One day, Lucy asks Tom: “I am looking for a banana but I can’t find it”. Tom says: “Don’t”.

This prompt is directly taken from the TinyStories paper as the paper documents characteristics of the model along with this prompt such as what the following word should be, as well as what the model is documented as being able to do w.r.t keeping context across the prompt and factual knowledge completion.

The visualisation of the attention pattern itself will be done using CircuitVis, which takes the attention pattern and allows interactively hovering over tokens and a single attention head (or all of them) per layer, determining the attentional relationship between tokens.

MLP Analysis

From what I can tell, MLP analysis is quite an open-ended topic and is genuinely quite difficult. One of the main difficulties arises from a phenomenon that arises within MLPs referred to as “superposition”. This is where models represent more features than they have dimensions. This particularly happens when features are sparse, superposition allows compression beyond what a linear model can do, at the cost of “interference” which requires non-linear filtering. We will see possible evidence for this later on.

However, a good place to start here is to measure basic characteristics of neuron activations across prompts and tokens. It makes sense to do this for the expanded MLP layer and the final smaller MLP layer within the Transformer Block. Transformer Blocks typically contain an MLP layer after the normed + residual attention mechanism which is 4 times larger than the model dimensionality, and then a succeeding MLP layer which is the models dimensionality size. Later on we will see that within the studied model, there may be indications of superposition.

Attention Analysis

As stated before, the prompt for this section will be: “One day, Lucy asks Tom: “I am looking for a banana but I can’t find it”. Tom says: “Don’t”, which is taken straight from the TinyStories paper.

Below you can see the attention pattern, which is being visualised by CircuitVis.

Attention Head Visualisation

Attention Head Qualitative Analysis

After analysing the attention patterns, I have generated the following table which gives a rough idea for what each attention head is paying attention to. For some attention heads, it is obvious, for others, it’s more ambiguous or the attention head has multiple roles which may overlap with each other.

Head Description
0 Attends to dialogue structure (e.g. speaker changes), contextual relationships (e.g. “I” to “but”, action to result), and speech delimiters.
1 Attends to start of preceding structural pivot (e.g., start of text token, comma, and full stop). For the word “but,” only attends to itself, not preceding structural pivot like others.
2 Strongly attends to start of preceding structural pivot (e.g., start of text token, comma, and full stop). For the word “but,” only attends to itself, not preceding structural pivot like others.
3 ~~Subject of sentence?
4 Attends to the current token / also sometimes the previous token.
5 Attends to the start of a clause and the start of a co-ordinating junction?
6 Attends to the previous token (aside from the closing speech mark, attends to the starting speech mark instead).
7 Attending to backward-related parts of skip n-grams?
8 Attends to the current token.
9 ~Attends to current and previous proper nouns?
10 ~Attends to all of the other tokens within same clause/sentence by varying amounts.
11 Attends to the start of a clause? Attends to the starting speech mark within speech.
12 ~Attending to the previous token unigram / bigram.
13 ~~Subject of the sentence?
14 Attends to narrative structures and relationships. Start of text token, commas, attends to prior proper nouns on speech marks, the word “asks” i.e., verb before proper noun “Tom,” attending to “banana” on token “find.” Attention head is trying to keep a high-level summary of ongoing narrative, acting as a guide when generating or predicting subsequent tokens?
15 Attending to the start of a clause?

Attention Head Analysis Discussion

Simple Tracking Heads (Current Token, Previous Token, etc.)

From the table above, we can see that there are multiple overlapping attention heads such as Head 4 and Head 8 which both attend to the current token, although Head 8 more directly attends to the current token. Head 6 clearly attends to the previous token, however, Head 12 also sometimes attends to the previous token occasionally, however it appears to be attending to other tokens which are relevant in context. For example, the token “banana” appears to be attending to the tokens “looking” and “for” which are relevant in the given context.

Grammatical Heads (Start of Clause)

However, aside from just performing basic routing of information such as current and previous tokens, some attention heads operate more grammatically. For example, Head 5 appears to attend to the start of the current clause or co-ordinating junction. If you set the above visualisation to “Destination <- Source”, and however over the “<|endoftext|>” token, you will see that all of the tokens up to the “:” token are attending to the “<|endoftext|>” token. If you then do the same by hovering over the first “”” speech mark token, you will see that nearly all of the tokens enclosed by the speech marks attend to the first speech mark. The closing speech mark is being attended to by all of the following tokens.

Heads 1 and 2 appear to strongly attend to the start of the preceding structural pivot. A structural pivot here means significant structural or semantic shift where the flow or structure of text changes or pivots. Both of them roughly attend to clear grammatical indicators such as the “<|endoftext|>” token or the “,” comma token. However, Head 1 strongly attends to the token “But” and Head 2 doesn’t, but Head 2 strongly attends to the word “a” but Head 1 doesn’t. This might mean that although two attention heads may pay attention to similar aspects of speech, they’re not exactly the same. This may have interesting implications for optimising large language models. It’s possible that larger models such as GPT-3 contain far more redundancy in their attention heads which may allow for pruning the number of attention heads per layer while still mostly retaining performance. However from what we can see here, that may mean that the model slightly loses some nuance in processing it’s prompts.

General Head (Multi-purpose: Narrative Stuctures and Relationships)

Head 14 is particulary interesting as it appears to be attending to many different relevant parts of speech. It attends to narrative structures and relationships. The Start of text token “<|endoftext|>”, commas, attends to prior proper nouns on speech marks, the word “asks” i.e., verb before proper noun “Tom,” attending to “banana” on token “find.” It’s possible that this attention head is trying to keep a high-level summary of ongoing narrative, where it may be acting as a guide when generating or predicting subsequent tokens? This may be one of the more interesting attention heads to analyse w.r.t when this embedding is being provided to the subsequent MLP layer.


  • Jupyter Notebook: The Notebook which contains all of the code and visualisations mentioned in this blog post.


This post aims to explore the mechanistic interpretability of large language models, focusing on the roneneldan/TinyStories-Instuct-1Layer-21M model from the TinyStories paper. The TinyStories paper was investigating the potential of small Transformer Decoder models to produce coherent speech and instructions. Surprisingly, even models with limited parameters can generate fluent language and follow instructions similarly to larger LLMs. This discovery is essential for interpretability as it suggests that a single Transformer Block with its MLP layer can interpret the current context and predict the next token.

Interestingly, we found that attenion heads appear to have dedicated roles, with some of them tracking current and previous tokens, attending to the grammatical structures of language, and even some which attend to multiple aspects of language such as narrative structures and relationships which may guide the generation of text.

In part 2 we will continue by further analysing what the succeeding MLP layer is doing with this information.