TLoL: Human level in League of Legends using Deep Learning (Part 5 - Download Scraping)
Table of Contents
Following the conclusions of part 3, we will be implementing the first system out of the two systems which need to be created to extract data from replays which we need. The first system was the Automated Replay Downloader. The Automated Replay Downloader is responsible for downloading replays matching a certain criteria. What we will find in this post, is that the assumptions and evidence presented in part 3 are incorrect, and luckily for us, were far too pessimistic.
The basic idea behind the replay scraping is to find replays which match a certain criteria, build a list of game IDs which match the criteria and download the list of replays. There are many criterias which can be used to determine which replays need to be downloaded. From the literature review, we found that the JueWu-SL system was largely successful because of their data selection process within their method.
The rough criteria used in their system for deciding which replays to download include the following:
Top 1% of Players
All of the replays came from the top 1% of players. For the League AI system, I will be using replays from the Europe West (EUW) region which is widely considered to be the best region outside of the best region in China and the Korean (KR) region.
100,000,000 Samples
The paper also describes how the final dataset is comprised of 100 million data samples.
The paper doesn’t clearly indicate what a sample is, this could either be a frame
(a single observation of the game at a single point in time), or this could refer to
scenes. Scenes are collections of observations which relate to a single instance of
something happening in the game. For instance, the Combat
scene refers to players
fighting against each other, the Navigation
scene refers to players moving from
one global intent region to another. For further details, refer to part 4.
For our system, we can calculate how many replays are required to get us 100,000,000 samples. In theory, if the average high elo game in EUW takes 26 minutes to complete, including games which end in surrender, then:
obs_per_sec = 8 # Observations per second
secs_per_min = 60 # Seconds per minute
obs_per_min = secs_per_min * obs_per_sec
mins_per_game = 26 # Mins per Game
obs_per_game = mins_per_game * obs_per_min
obs_per_game := 12480
min_games = 100,000,000 / obs_per_game
min_games := 8012.820 # Minimum games required to get 100M frames for training
So from those calculations, we can see that it takes a minimum of 8,012 games to reach our target frame count of 100,000,000 if we’re recording 8 frames per second during a game.
However, if we only download the minimum number of games which we may need, that doesn’t give us the flexibility to process more games if the quality of the games which covers the 100M frames is poor in some of the games. For that reason, I will download 10,000 games, as that gives an additional 2,000 games for this stage which in theory means we have a maximum 124,810,000 frames available, so we can disregard 24,810,000, or roughly 25% of the dataset if it’s not suitable.
Selecting League Replays
Now we know that we want to download 10,000 replays, we need to select a champion to download the replays for. The reason why we want to download replays of just a single champion, is because trying to create a system which is general enough to learn from observing multiple champions and roles is very complicated. OpenAI Five, AlphaStar and other game playing AI systems all train models to play either one hero, or one race, respectively. The question of how to create a model which can generally learn to play as champions, which have different action spaces, is an open problem.
For that reason, I will be downloading 10,000 replays for a single champion. I will also be downloading replays only where the player playing the selected champion won the game. From the research this seems to be a standard procedure as, in theory, if a player won the game, they are more likely to have been playing better and contributed to winning the game.
Selecting a Champion
I will be choosing Ezreal as the champion to scrape replays for, for several reasons.
The first reason will be that Ezreal is a relatively simple champion mechanically as all of his abilities are simple skillshots. Also, the attack damage carry (ADC) role should in theory be the easiest role to learn macro (deciding where on the map an action should take place next).
This can be seen from the provided Jupyter Notebook where you can see the activity heatmaps in different global intent regions per role. The ADC role shows the least variety compared to other roles and strongly clusters in the bot lane (bottom-right side of the map).
Another reason is that, the LoLRLE project contains an implementation of Ezreal (the LoLRLE uses a League Server emulation, and has implemented Ezreal relatively well). This means that we can test what the model has learned without having to rely on the game client.
Finding Matches for our Criteria
For starters, which need an API which allows us to query League of Legends match data at a rate which we require. Unfortunately, the Riot Developer API is very highly rate limited for non-production apps. One way around this is to use the APIs of production services which already have approval from Riot. The two main services which are used to access bulk user data are and
The first website,, is the oldest website around which is used by League of Legends players to query global statistics relating to the game such as which champions are popular, which items players build when playing champions, how many games have been played of each champion during a certain time frame and many other statistical queries.
My experience with using the API was that the API was clearly
developed in a haphazard way. Calls to the API are returned
in the HTML form which the client is expected to interpret.
For example, getting the matches for a single player, ZWYRØØ
requires this API call (as of 08/09/2021):
curl '' \
-H 'authority:' \
-H 'sec-ch-ua-mobile: ?0' \
-H 'x-datadog-origin: rum' \
-H 'x-datadog-sampling-priority: 1' \
-H 'accept: application/json, text/javascript, */*; q=0.01' \
-H 'x-requested-with: XMLHttpRequest' \
-H 'x-datadog-sampled: 1' \
-H 'sec-ch-ua-platform: "Windows"' \
-H 'sec-fetch-site: same-origin' \
-H 'sec-fetch-mode: cors' \
-H 'sec-fetch-dest: empty' \
-H 'referer:' \
-H 'accept-language: en-GB,en-US;q=0.9,en;q=0.8' \
This results in this code where only a portion of it is shown as the average response is above 200KB!

As you can see, the API mixes document object model (DOM) information, along with the data which the user is actually requesting. This is terrible as it heavily increases the bandwidth usage of the website for the host and the client. It also makes the code less robust to any future changes as the API has multiple responsibilities; it’s responsible for returning match data and includes code which is meant to style the website. For this reason, I started investigating for querying the Riot API.
On the otherhand, the API was clearly designed better. All
calls to the API are made through the same url:
Then in the request body, the required operation operationName
is specified along
with the query
and the variables
relating to the query. An example of getting
the players within a leaderboard page (e.g. page 1 contains the top 100 players in a
region, page 2 contains the next 100 players in a region, etc.) is shown below:
import concurrent.futures
import request
import time
def handle_req(url, body):
req = requests.request(
"Content-Type": "application/json"
return req
def get_leaderboard(page_start=1, page_end=1):
players = []
leaderboard_url = ""
leaderboard_req_body = lambda p: {
"operationName": "getRankedLeaderboard",
"query": "query getRankedLeaderboard($page: Int, $queueType: Int, $regionId: String!) {\n leaderboardPage(page: $page, queueType: $queueType, regionId: $regionId) {\n totalPlayerCount\n topPlayerMostPlayedChamp\n players {\n iconId\n losses\n lp\n overallRanking\n rank\n summonerLevel\n summonerName\n tier\n wins\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n}\n",
"variables": {
"page": p,
"queueType": 420, # Ranked Solo/Duo
"regionId": "euw1"
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=CONNECTIONS) as executor:
future_to_summoner_name = (executor.submit(
) for page in range(page_start, page_end+1))
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_summoner_name):
data = future.result()
data = json.loads(data.content)
data = data["data"]["leaderboardPage"]["players"]
except Exception as exc:
data = str(type(exc))
players += data
return players
The code above allows a user to query the API to find the summoner
names of players between a range of leaderboard pages (because the API is paginated
throughout). The inclusion of the concurrent.futures
module along with the time
module allow the process to be heavily accelerated by using multiple threads to
request data simultaneously, while waiting 0.5 seconds between requests on each thread
to prevent us being blocked by the API. This is also out of respect, as we don’t want
to flood the traffic of the website.
Using the summoner names retrieved from the above code, we can then use another function to get the matches for each summoner which were played on the current patch and where the player played the champion which we want replays (in this case Ezreal).
The following code allows us to to this:
import concurrent.futures
import request
import time
champ_ids = {}
with open(fname) as f:
content =
lines = content.split("\n")
for l in lines:
ln = l.split(":")
champ = ln[1].strip()
champ_id = int(ln[0])
champ_ids[champ] = champ_id
def handle_req(url, body):
req = requests.request(
"Content-Type": "application/json"
return req
def get_matches(self, summoner_names, champs, target_patch, outfile="", win_only=False):
matches_url = ""
match_ids = set()
matches_req_body = lambda summoner_name: {
"operationName": "FetchMatchSummaries",
"query": "query FetchMatchSummaries($championId: [Int], $page: Int, $queueType: [Int], $regionId: String!, $role: [Int], $seasonId: Int!, $summonerName: String!) {\n fetchPlayerMatchSummaries(\n championId: $championId\n page: $page\n queueType: $queueType\n regionId: $regionId\n role: $role\n seasonId: $seasonId\n summonerName: $summonerName\n ) {\n finishedMatchSummaries\n totalNumMatches\n matchSummaries {\n assists\n championId\n cs\n damage\n deaths\n gold\n items\n jungleCs\n killParticipation\n kills\n level\n matchCreationTime\n matchDuration\n matchId\n maximumKillStreak\n primaryStyle\n queueType\n regionId\n role\n runes\n subStyle\n summonerName\n summonerSpells\n psHardCarry\n psTeamPlay\n lpInfo {\n lp\n placement\n promoProgress\n promoTarget\n promotedTo {\n tier\n rank\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n teamA {\n championId\n summonerName\n teamId\n role\n hardCarry\n teamplay\n __typename\n }\n teamB {\n championId\n summonerName\n teamId\n role\n hardCarry\n teamplay\n __typename\n }\n version\n visionScore\n win\n __typename\n }\n __typename\n }\n}\n",
"variables": {
"championId": [champ_ids[c] for c in champs],
"page": 1, # Finds max of 20 games of a single champ per patch (people rarely play more than this so to keep the code much simpler, I'm only checking a maximum of 20 games of the same champion per summoner per patch.)
"queueType": [420], # 420 = solo/duo
"regionId": "euw1",
"role": [],
"seasonId": 16,
"summonerName": summoner_name
if outfile:
# remove old outfile
except OSError:
with open(outfile, "a+") as f:
f.write(target_patch + "\n")
f.write(",".join(champs) + "\n")
f.write(f"top {len(summoner_names)} ranked summoners\n")
with concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=CONNECTIONS) as executor:
future_to_match_id = (executor.submit(
) for name in summoner_names)
for future in concurrent.futures.as_completed(future_to_match_id):
data = future.result()
data = json.loads(data.content)
data = data["data"]["fetchPlayerMatchSummaries"]["matchSummaries"]
except Exception as exc:
data = str(type(exc))
for match in data:
if type(match) == str:
print('This replay failed', match, data)
if match["version"] == target_patch:
if (win_only and match["win"]) or (not win_only):
if outfile:
with open(outfile, "a+") as f:
f.write(str(match["matchId"]) + "\n")
return match_ids
if __name__ == "__main__":
start_idx = 1 # Start scraping from leaderboard page 1 (1-100 ranked players)
stop_idx = 10 # Stop scraping from leaderboard page 10 (900-1000 ranked players)
champs = ["Ezreal"]
fname_champlst = ["-".join(c.split(" ")) for c in champs]
fname_champs = f'{",".join(fname_champlst)}'
fname_nums = f"{((stop_idx - start_idx)+1) * 100}({start_idx}-{stop_idx})"
fname_win_only = f'{"win_only" if win_only else "win_or_loss"}'
fname = f"{fname_champs}_{fname_nums}_{fname_win_only}.txt"
leaderboard = get_leaderboard(
players = [p["summonerName"] for p in leaderboard]
matches = scraper.get_matches(
champs=champs, # Logical OR search for these champs
print("match count:", len(matches))
game_ids = set()
files = os.listdir("./matches/")
for file in files:
if file.endswith(".txt"):
path = os.path.join("./matches/", file)
with open(path, "r") as f:
content =
content = content.split("\n")
game_ids = game_ids.union(set(content[3:]))
with open("./matches/game_ids.txt", "w") as f:
for game_id in game_ids:
f.write(game_id + "\n")
The above code relies on a champ_ids.txt
file being in the same directory.
This is used to convert between the champion IDs used internally in Riot’s APIs
from a champion’s name (as of 08/09/2021, which is patch 11.17).
This can be downloaded from this link.
This code snippet will use the API to find every match for every provided summoner which matches the provided criteria (up to 20 games per player, due to only the first page of results per summoner being checked). The criteria used is:
List of summoners to scrape replays from. Use this in conjunction with the
function to scrape replays from the top of the leaderboard. You could also get a list of pro players from a website like, and use the summoner names to get replays of pro players for training data. This will be possibly during the 2021 World Championship as it is being held inEUW
, which will make it easier to scrape replays from a single region. -
List of champions which need to be present to be included in the search results. If this list is empty, it will accept any champion, if the list contains one champion, then only games where a summoner played that champion will be returned. However, if the
list contains multiple champions, then the search query is logical OR, which means if the summoner played any of the champions, then agameId
is returned. -
The current patch which League of Legends is currently on, for the specified region. I haven’t included code to set the region, you will just need to find the regionId from Riot’s documentation, and change the parameters as required. For example, if we are on patch 11.17 (which as of 08/09/2021, we are), then this parameter will need to be set to
. -
File path to save the list of gameIds to.
Set this to true if you only want to scrape games where a player won. For now, I have used this because it is the simplest way to increase the average gameplay quality of the replays. This is intuitive, as everything else being the same, a player was more likely to win a game over 10,000 games if it was them who played better and if they weren’t a determine to their team.
From this, we finally get the list of gameIds which match the criteria we want, for the individual or multiple champions which we want replays for.
In summary, we are now able to find a list of relevant replay files using Next we will need to use the League Client Update to download the *.rofl files automatically.